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Career Development: Labour Market Information (LMI)

This guide contains quick resources to assist you in choosing and starting your career.

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour market information (LMI) provides data on a number of employment industries. Labour market information can tell you many different things, including job trends, the jobs and skills employers are looking for, which industries are hiring, where jobs are located, and areas of job growth or decline -- in other words, it’s an excellent tool in career planning!

Exploring the Labour Market

The Learning Portal. (2017, August 2). Introduction to labour market information [Video]. YouTube.

Tips to Consider

Use Reliable Sources

Make sure to get your information from reputable resources, like government websites or professional associations. If you're unsure about a resource, evaluate it for quality.

Look at all Pieces of the Puzzle

Labour market information can help you make an informed program or career choice, but you also need to consider your interests and needs.

Check your Expectations

Most people do not start working in their dream job right away. You might need to move, take a lower-paying job, and work your way up.

Nothing is Set in Stone

Predictions are not facts. Many variables can affect the job market -- for example, changes in technology can cause a boom or a bust in an industry.

Branch Out

Don’t limit your research to one career area. College provides you with a transferable skill set that will make you a strong candidate for lots of different jobs.