Statista is a global data platform that provides access to collections of statistics, reports, and insights covering over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.
Your can access Statista through the NSCC Libraries' website > Library Resources > Databases, or use the link below. When accessing the database, always use one of these options to ensure you are able to access the content available through our subscription.
Once you have selected your data, there are different options available.
Under the settings menu, you have the option to change how the data is presented, share the dataset you have selected, cite the data in a variety of formats, or print the dataset.
Your statistics can be downloaded in various formats: PDF, XLS, PNG, or PPT.
In the right menu, there are options to see the source information, details on the data (region, survey time period, special properties, etc.), and FAQ on how the data is collected.
Contact your Campus Library for assistance.
Below the search field you can find filters to sort your results or refine the search.
Search results can be sorted by Relevance or Date of Publication.
Search results can be refined by different categories.
You also have the option select a tag to filter your search results based on what you're interested in.
This option gives a higher search ranking to results related to the selected region.