Monday, March 3th,12:00-1:00
Link to Session
This session will be of interest to you if you would like a NSCC faculty perspective on adopting(using as is) or adapting(modifying) open textbooks. Adapting allows instructors to create free textbooks that match course outcomes and the order content is delivered.
Wednesday, March 5th,12:00-1:00
Link to Session
Curious about OER and want to learn more?
Need an introduction or refresher about using or adapting Open Textbooks?
This session is designed for you. Bring your questions big and small.
Thursday, March 6th, 12:00-1:00
Link to Session
H5P stands for HTML 5 Package -- this creation tool gives educators the ability to create interactive content (from over 50 content types) without any requirement to understand coding languages. H5P editing is built into Pressbooks. You can create activities, self assessments and quizzes. You can even connect the H5P to your Brightspace grade book.
Join us for this session and learn how easy and fun this creation tool is to use.
Share your thoughts in the Open Textbook Feedback Form
The feedback form is open to both faculty and students.
AtlanticOER Development Grants are intended to encourage and support educators in the Atlantic Region in the adaptation, adoption, creation, and curation of open educational resources (OER), and to increase access to course materials for students.
Contact to learn more about OER grant opportunities.
For information about using, creating or adapting OER at NSCC contact the NSCC Copyright Office at
> Impact!
Adapting, creating and sharing OER increases dissemination of your work.
> Freedom
Finding, adapting, and creating OER gives you more freedom in your course design by providing opportunities for you to customize and localize your content to the needs of your students.
> Innovation
Open teaching practices allow you to tailor your courses to current research, align outcomes, and engage students as learning partners and co-creators.
> Success
OER ensures that students have the current and relevant course materials they need from day one of the course – they don’t have to spend time searching for older editions, rental options, or other ways of “sharing” textbooks –allowing them to get to work on your course.
CC BY Scott Cowan
OERs are a powerful resource. They are free to use and don’t require permissions. They can be any kind of learning and teaching resource (textbooks, lesson plans, assignments, test banks etc) in any format (digital or print). What they have in common is an open copyright licence that allows the content to be modified, adapted, shared and redistributed.
This means you can give a digital OER to students for FREE. Yes … zero, no cost! Print versions are also possible and can be printed and shared on a cost recovery basis, a huge benefit for students struggling with the high cost of education.
Open is flexible and adaptable. The open licence allows instructors to use the resource as is, or mix and match with chapters from other OERs to create a new resource based on course outcomes. An OER can also be customized by adding local content or visuals. The key point here is that OERs give the power to you. You have flexibility to make the content relevant to your teaching and course(s).
The OER Adoption Impact Calculator helps you understand many of the potential impacts of adopting OER instead of traditionally copyrighted learning materials. The values in the Settings on the left are set to defaults based on the published research referenced below. Change the Settings on the left so that they match your classes in order to see how replacing traditionally copyrighted materials with OER might benefit your students and the College. The information below will update in real time as you make changes.
Credit: Wiley, D. (2018). The OER Adoption Impact Calculator.