
Tips and tricks for searching and reading eBooks at NSCC

What is Adobe Digital Editions?

IMPORTANT: Adobe Digital Editions is not designed for school computers. Students will need to install it on their own personal computers or laptops.

Adobe Digital Editions is free software that allows you to:

  • Read eBooks

  • Manage your eBooks

  • Transfer eBooks to Mobile Devices

Installing Digital Editions on your computer allows you to read eBooks offline on your computer or mobile device.

To download, go to Adobe Digital Editions to download and follow the onscreen prompts.
Create and use your personal Adobe ID to authorize your computer and reading devices. You'll also need an Adobe ID to read eBooks on iPhone/iPad and Android Tablets.

TIP: Make your Adobe ID easy to remember. Record and store your login information where you can access it later.

For More Information

To transfer eBooks between devices, see the ADE Help page.

For more information on:

Note: Adobe Digital Editions is not designed for school computers.

  • Install Adobe Digital Editions software on your home computer or laptop, or submit a Help Desk ticket.

  • You can find a list of devices supported by ADE here.

  • There is also additional information on the Other Devices tab of this guide.