
Tips and tricks for searching and reading eBooks at NSCC

MyEBSCOhost Account

EBSCO eBooks - you will need a free MyEBSCOhost account to download eBooks from this collection.

iPads and iPhones

What you need:

  • Adobe Digital Editions installed on your iPad or iPhone and authorized using your Adobe ID
  • We recommend you use Safari

Access an eBook

  1. On your device, go to the Novanet Catalogue to find an eBook to download
  2. Once you're inside of the book click on the Full Download or Download Book tab

EBSCO eBooks

  1. EBSCO books will require you login to your MyEBSCOhost account
  2. Choose a loan period
  3. Choose an eBook format - EPUB or PDF - if available
  4. Tick I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed
  5. Select Full Download
  6. Click Open in "Digital Editions"

ProQuest eBooks

  1. Click Open Book > select the Download icon in the top menu
  2. What device are you using - select Continue
  3. Install - Click Done with this step
  4. Download - Select the eBook format - EPUB or PDF - if available.
  5. Click Download Your eBook
  6. Click Open in "Digital Editions"


Most of NSCC's eBooks can be downloaded to Android devices or Kindle Fire.

What you need:

  • Adobe Digital Editions installed on your device - available in the Google Play Store and many other Android markets
  • An Adobe ID to authorize your device 

Access an eBook

  1. Install Adobe Digital Editions on your Android device or Kindle Fire and authorize it using your Adobe ID.
  2. On your device, go to the Novanet Catalogue to find an eBook to download
  3. Open the eBook and click on the Full Download tab
  4. What device are you using - indicate your device if prompted
  5. Install - if you already have Adobe Digital Editions installed, Tick the box or Click Done with this step
  6. Choose your format (some books are PDF only; some are ePub only) and loan period
  7. Download - click Full Download or Download your Book
  8. The e-book will automatically be loaded onto your Adobe Digital Editions app


What you need:

  • Adobe Digital Editions ID to authorize your Kobo

Access an eBook

  1. Click on the Download (Offline) link for your selected eBook
  2. Select an eBook format (if this is an option) and click the Download button
  3. You will get a message asking if you want to Open or Save File
  4. Click on Save File > Open
  5. The book will open in Adobe® Digital Editions.
  6. Connect your Kobo to your computer - it should display under Devices.
  7. From your ADE Library, drag and drop the book into your Kobo.

Gale Virtual Reference eBooks

You can download chapters or sections of Gale Virtual Reference eBooks for personal use only.

Gale Virtual Reference detailed Licensing Terms.

  • Use the Table of Contents feature to locate the chapter you wish to download.
  • Select Send to MS OneDrive in the Tools list.
  • The chapter will be saved as a file to your OneDrive  in a Gale eBooks folder.
  • You can access it for personal use.

Transfer eBooks to devices

To transfer your eBooks from your computer to your Device:

  1. Connect your eReader to your computer
  2. You will see Read or manage?
  3. Choose Manage Library
  4. Transfer files (drag and drop)  to the Adobe Digital Editions folder on your eReader