It is important to review and understand your Academic Integrity responsibilities at NSCC. The NSCC Academic Integrity Policy outlines the principles of academic integrity, NSCC's expectations of conduct related to academic integrity, and sanctions for academic misconduct.
NSCC. (2023, June 28). What is academic integrity [Video]? YouTube.
For support with Academic Integrity:
In Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity, the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) (2021) defines academic integrity as a commitment to six fundamental values:
As an NSCC student, you are part of an academic community that is guided by the fundamental principles of academic integrity.
It is important for all members of this community, instructors and students alike, to uphold these principles.
A diploma or certificate that is achieved without compromising your own integrity, as well as upholding NSCC's academic integrity standards, is a true representation of all the hard work and dedication you put into your studies. You can be proud of your achievement as you maintained your reputation as well as that of the NSCC.
You will be well prepared for success in your career because you have put the necessary time and effort into your work, gained knowledge and developed valuable skills that you will use in the workplace, such as research, critical thinking, writing skills, and much more.
International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI). (2021). The fundamental values of academic integrity (3rd ed.).
All applicants, students, and employees will conduct themselves in an honest and trustworthy manner in all aspects of their relationship with NSCC.
An intentional, reckless, careless, or improper act for the purpose of obtaining an academic advantage, credential, admission, or credit by deception or fraudulent means. It can include, but is not limited to “cheating”.
The unauthorized distribution of copyrighted course materials, assignment documents, and tests. Examples include uploading assignments and assessments to commercial third-party platforms such as contract cheating websites without the instructor's knowledge or permission.
A form of academic dishonesty in which a student uses a third party (an online company or other individual) to complete their academic work for them and then take credit for it as their own work.
i) Presenting, in any format, someone else’s ideas, presentations, writing, artistic work, or creations, whether verbal, print, structural, design or electronic, in whole or in part, as one’s own, by failing to credit the source.
ii) The use of material received or purchased from another person, website, or other source or prepared by any person other than the individual claiming to be the author. The use of material received through purchase is also known as “contract cheating.”
iii) Plagiarism can be intentional or occur through carelessness.
NSCC. (2017, October 1). Academic integrity policy.