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Academic Integrity: Academic Integrity

This guide has been created to provide access to resources on the topic of Academic Integrity.

Academic Integrity at NSCC

The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity (2021), developed by the International Centre for Academic Integrity, outline six core principles of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage (ICAI, 2021).

Shared by the Mi’kmaw, the Seven Grandfather Teachings include love, courage, respect, honesty, humility, truth, and wisdom (Bouchard, 2016; Maracle, 2020; Seven Grandfathers in Academic Integrity, 2020). 

This guide centers both views and values, offering resources to support and nurture best practices in academic integrity.

The NSCC Academic Integrity Policy outlines the principles of academic integrity and NSCC's expectations related to academic integrity.

What is Academic Integrity?

NSCC. (2023, June 28). What is academic integrity [Video]? YouTube.

Indigenous Paradigms in Practice: Relationships, Story and Academic Integrity

Gladue, K. (2020, November 13). Indigenous academic integrity: Relationships, story and reciprocity. Academic Integrity: Urgent and Emerging Topics [Webinar Series]. Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Academic Integrity

At NSCC you are part of an academic community that is guided by the fundamental principles of academic integrity.

It is important for all members of this community, instructors and students alike, to uphold these principles.

Your diploma or certificate that is achieved by upholding academic integrity standards, is a true representation of all the hard work and dedication you put into your studies and will support you in your future goals.

Indigenous Academic Integrity Resources

Featured Books


Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., & Marshall, A. (2012). Two-eyed seeing and other lessons learned within a co-learning journey of bringing together Indigenous and mainstream knowledges and ways of knowing. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2(4), 331-340.

Bouchard, D. (2016). Seven Sacred Teachings. Crow Cottage Publishing.

International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI). (2021). The fundamental values of academic integrity (3rd ed.).

Maracle, l. B. J. (2020). Seven grandfathers in academic integrity. University of Toronto.