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Anti-Racism Resources: Anti-Indigenous Racism

This guide provides resources on anti-racism. It was developed in consultation with NSCC's Office of Human Rights and Equity Services.




Profound Lessons from Indigenous Law. Films on Demand, 2013.

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John Borrows is one of Canada's most prolific and celebrated legal scholars and a professor of law at the University of Minnesota. He has written and spoken widely on aboriginal legal rights and traditions, treaties and land claims, and religion and the law. He's also Anishinaabe, a member of the Neyaashiinigmiing community, the Cape Croker First Nation on Bruce Peninsula in North-Western Ontario. Well steeped in both traditions of law, Borrows is uniquely positioned to reflect on the essential nature of law itself.

Etua Snowball. Films on Demand, 2013.

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Originally from Kuujjuaq in Nunavik, Etua Snowball is a secondary school Inuktitut teacher and award-winning musician. Mindful of the consequences of modern development and the influence of the English language in his community, Etua has taken on the mission to preserve and promote his culture and indigenous language.

Shifting Attitudes., 2016.

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Chief Morley Googoo, Assembly of First Nations' (AFN) regional chief for Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, says shifting political attitudes toward Indigenous peoples in Canada offers a big opportunity that should be seized.