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Anti-Racism Resources: What is Allyship?

This guide provides resources on anti-racism. It was developed in consultation with NSCC's Office of Human Rights and Equity Services.

What is an Ally?

An ally is "someone who supports a group other than one’s own (in terms of multiple identities such as race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.). An ally acknowledges oppression and actively commits to reducing their own complicity, investing in strengthening their own knowledge and awareness of oppression" (ICS2, n.d.).


ICS2. (n.d.). Toolkit: 80 Diversity and inclusion definitions you should know.

Faculty director of Villanova School of Business’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Aronté Bennett, PhD, Associate Chair, Marketing & Business Law, shares why allyship matters, how our identities inform it and how to take actionable steps for effective allyship in the workplace.

Pennsylvania Conference for Women. (2020, November 20). Allyship at work [Video]. YouTube.

NSCC Anti-Racist Resources for Allies

Allyship Education at NSCC

  • Talk to other people working from an Allyship approach. Find a circle of people who support and challenge your opinions and actions.
  • Add ESP goals that work toward anti-racism. Commit to educating yourself about local and global anti-racism efforts.
  • Work with colleagues to make NSCC spaces safer for Black colleagues and students.
  • Work to decolonize the curriculum - view Teaching Commons (links to Sharepoint) for resources.


