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Study Skills: Study Skills

Learning & Self-Reflection

Here is a self-assessment checklist to help you evaluate your learning strategies:

Self-reflection is an important part of successful learning.  As adult learners, we learn to think about our learning and make decisions about how we prefer to learn.  As part of learning as an adult, it is important to reflect on our learning, the learning process, and to think about skills and strategies that will help us be successful learners.

Study Skills

We all have preferences when we study.  Some preferences include the environment we choose. 

If you are someone who prefers a quiet space to study, consider:

  • Booking a study room on campus
  • Finding an empty classroom on campus (only use if the room is empty and vacate the room if it is booked by someone)
  • Studying during a time that the campus has fewer people and is less busy
  • Studying at home in a quiet space
  • Studying at home when there are fewer people around

If you cannot find a quiet space to study, consider:

  • Scheduling study time when there are fewer people around (e.g. mornings, evenings)
  • Wearing earplugs
  • Wearing noise-cancelling headphones
  • Listening to white noise, brown noise, or music through headphones
  • Studying in an area with the least number of people (e.g. a corner of a room)
  • Remove distractions (e.g. sit away from a busy doorway or window)
  • Do the easiest tasks when it is the noisiest, leave harder tasks for a quiet space

Mind Mapping Resources

Creating mind maps can help with information retention, organization, and studying.  Using a mind map to organize and understand textbook content, lecture content, and to plan and organize assignments can be a helpful learning tool.  Check out the resources below to learn more about mind mapping!