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Copyright @ NSCC

Copyright information for NSCC faculty, staff and students.

Printing @ NSCC - New Order Process

Place your print requests using the NEW service desk request service!

Need a new title added to the cleared print file repository? Contact the Copyright Office and request an addition.

  • Submit a file for printing
    • Requires the submission of a print file
    • Note: All instructional content will be reviewed for copyright and academic integrity compliance.
      Consider consulting with the Copyright Office while you are in the creation process to eliminate potential issues.

  • For the complete list of service options visit the main landing page of the Print Services and Copyright Service Desk.

NSCC Print Services
Jay Ede (Manager): 902-491-6740, Cell: 902-719-6920 /
Eve Carroll (Lead Print Technician): 902-491-6723 /
David Surette (Print Room Assistant)

NSCC Copyright Office
Lynn MacGregor (Copyright Officer) /
Samantha Delaney (Copyright Assistant) /

The NSCC cleared Course Pack File Repository is on Connect!

The PDF file repository includes:

  • NSCC created course materials sold in NSCC bookstores
  • Milestone Documents (e.g., safety milestones)
  •  NSCC created course materials designated as core compulsory material
  • NSCC authored learning material used at more than one campus

PDF files in the repository can be:

  • shared with students and uploaded to Brightspace courses
  • printed by faculty
  • sold in campus bookstores

All course packs are renewed annually in May to ensure materials are kept current.

  • New course pack additions or revisions can be requested anytime
  • Send requests for additions or revisions to the Copyright Office

If you have any questions about the Cleared Course Pack Repository or are interested in determining if your materials are eligible for inclusion, please contact the Copyright Office at


Cleared Title List

  • All NSCC authored titles, available for NSCC Bookstores to order and sell to students, have been reviewed and cleared by the Copyright Office.
  • The cleared title list also includes manuals with a permission or licence agreement that covers NSCC printing and use.

Adding Titles

Contact the Copyright Office to find out how to have new titles added to the cleared file repository.

Are you ready to print?

Copyright Permissions

When the nature or extent of copying falls outside of "fair dealing" faculty are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder.  Support is available from the Copyright Office or your Campus Librarian.

Who owns the copyright?

Check for copyright information on the:

  • BOOKS: verso (flip side) of the title page
  • CDs/ DVDs: slip case of a video, sound recording, or boxed set
  • FILMS: credits statement (beginning or end of a video)
  • WEBSITES: rights statement on the web page (usually found at the bottom of the page).
  • accompanying contract or license

Requesting Permission

  • Establish who holds the copyright
  • Fill out a copyright permissions request form on the publisher website or
  • Write a letter to the copyright owner or publisher (attention: permissions).

Your letter should include the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Institution
  • Audience and Purpose --ie. students for educational use in a classroom
  • Medium -- ie. print handouts and posted to a password protected CMS
  • Title and edition #
  • Author / Creator
  • Publication Date
  • ISBN or unique identifier ( ISSN, catalogue number, program number)
  • Range to be copied -- chapters, pages, or section.

Keep copies of the permissions you receive.

**Copies of permissions should be sent to copyright so that they can be added to the central permission repository.
**Submit copies of relevant permissions to the print shop with your print job order.

Requesting and receiving permissions via email?

Letters of permission, including email permissions, require a level of formality. To help ensure you receive useable permissions consider including the template above in your email.