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NSCC Open Textbooks

A list of Open Textbooks being used at NSCC. Textbook content boxes are created for NSCC Open Textbook and hosted in this guide. The embed code for Textbook Content Boxes is shared so boxes can be added to Brightspace courses.

NSCC Business Math

Math for Bookkeeping

Business Statistics (MATH3001)

OpenStax Introductory Business Statistics

Introductory Business Statistics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the one-semester statistics course for business, economics, and related majors. Core statistical concepts and skills have been augmented with practical business examples, scenarios, and exercises. The result is a meaningful understanding of the discipline, which will serve students in their business careers and real-world experiences.

This is an open textbook -- digital versions are free.

Beginning Excel 2019

The Math of Money (FINA 1131 and FINA 4320)